Tuesday, October 1, 2019

BLOG 6- Photoshop

Photoshop is alive and well and it is safe to say that the majority of images we see on a daily basis have been photoshopped, whether it is a mild edit or an extreme edit.  The idea of limiting creative license in the say, fashion industry, strikes me as censorship.  If a magazine wants to alter things to the extreme, great.  I feel people understand that fashion is art and design, but I tend to overestimate people.  A title page in a magazine stating they use photoshop should suffice.  However, the idea of altering photos in journalism strikes me as misrepresentation and would harm the integrity of a publication. 
I am new to photoshop but I can’t wait to lengthen my legs, trim my waist and enlarge my eyes!

Blog 13 Final Blog

Weekly collage used as basis for cut and paste and filter manipulation.